New colonies on habitable worlds usually start out with about ten thousand residents, which is the average population of a colony fleet. The Union first colonized another planet some 562 years ago, so other colonies might be as old as 550 years, though most are much younger. The large ones are generally quite old, and have a lot of time to grow their populations. I'd say the average population of a large colony would be about a hundred thousand, but some are much smaller, and a few much larger. Some of the colonies are quite large, but most are relatively small. Then there's the other colonies, of which there are several dozen in total, more if you count all of the tiny outposts, spacestations and such spread across Union space. The Elithian moons, Laena and Vaeda, are each home to at least a million residents. There's also several billion living on Hyzolia, the second largest colony and home world of one of the closest allies of the Aegi: the Hymid. Don't have any exact numbers yet, but that world alone is home to at least 30-40% of the population. A very large chunk of that population lives on Elithia, the Union's home planet. It has other official symbols and icons as well, but as far as flags go, this is the official one. The flag represents a unity as well, but between nature (green), the sky and the space beyond (blue) and the Aeginian society (white).įor the Alliance as a whole it's hard to say - there's many nations, some small and some large - but the Aeginian Federal Union has a total population of about 51 billion. The Aeginian Federal Union has a flag as well, it's pretty basic but it works. The Union's majority species is the Aegi - its founding species - though an increased amount of Dremetons, Hymid, Notix and members of various other species have become Union citizens. The Union is one of the founding bodies of the Elithian Alliance, and is considered one of the largest and most powerful of its members. A number of colonies on other planets are also part of the Union. The Aeginian Federal Union (AFU for short), more commonly known as the Aeginian Union or simply as the Union, is a federal republic located primarily on the planet of Elithia, where it spans approximately half the planet. They lead the Elithian Alliance - an interstellar federation of alien nations - and make for incredible diplomats, engineers and scientists. Descendants of mankind, the Aegi now reside on planet Elithia.